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Quantification and characterization of vehicle-based polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in street dust from the Tamale metropolis, Ghana
Objective Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in street dust in the Tamale metropolis, Ghana, -
Diagnosing institutional logics in partnerships and how they evolve through institutional bricolage: Insights from soybean and cassava value chains in Ghana
Trade globalisation and climate change pose new challenges for food security in Africa. To unlock smallholder productivity, more understanding is needed of the institutional context and the role of development interventions, such as partnerships, in the food sector. -
Onchocerciasis Transmission in Ghana: Persistence under Different Control Strategies and the Role of the Simuliid Vectors
The World Health Organization (WHO) aims at eliminating onchocerciasis by 2020 in selected African countries. Current control focuses on community-directed treatment with ivermectin (CDTI). In Ghana, persistent transmission has been reported despite long-term control. We present spatial and temporal patterns of onchocerciasis transmission in relation to ivermectin treatment history. -
Estimating the Economic Returns to Schooling: Restricted Maximum Likelihood Approach
The economic returns to schooling is a fundamental parameter of interest in many different areas of economics and public policy. -
Nutrition knowledge and food consumption practices and barriers in rural Ghana: The case of foods for preventing vitamin a and iron deficiencies
Food-based approaches such as dietary diversification, nutrient retention and biofortification combined with nutrition education can be effective in eliminating micronutrient deficiencies.