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Incidence of sweet potato viruses in the coastal savannah agro-ecological zone of Ghana
An experiment was conducted under field conditions to assess the incidence of viral diseases in 20 accessions of sweet potato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.]. Using symptomatology, biological indexing, nitrocellulose membrane ELISA (NCM-ELISA) and PCR, the accessions were assessed for disease incidence and symptom severity. Symptom expression varied among the accessions with severity index ranging from 2.24 in UK/BNARI at eight weeks after planting (wap) to 3.63 in US029 at 12 wap. Mean disease incidence varied significantly among the accessions, ranging from 43.2% to 96.3%. -
Street vending and the use of urban public space in Kumasi, Ghana.
In many cities all over the world, urban public space has become the place of work of the urban poor. This paper seeks to examine how street vendors use public space for their livelihood and the response by the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly to control street vending. -
Proximate and sensory evaluation of non-diary probiotic beverages made from tiger-nuts (Cyperus esculentus L.) and soy bean (Glycine max)
The need for non-dairy probiotic beverages has been on the rise due to various consumer needs and concerns. The current study measured the proximate composition of two non-diary probiotic beverages (made of tiger nut milk and soymilk) as well as a control sample and determined which sample was most preferred on measures of appearance, mouthfeel, flavour, taste, odour and colour. -
Under-reporting of Road Traffic Crash Data in Ghana
Having reliable estimates of the shortfalls in road traffic crash data is an important prerequisite for setting more realistic targets for crash/casualty reduction programmes and for a better appreciation of the socio-economic significance of road traffic crashes. -
ENSO Drives interannual variation of forest woody growth across the tropics
Meteorological extreme events such as El Nin˜ o events are expected to affect tropical forest net primary production (NPP) and woody growth, but there has been no large-scale empirical validation of this expectation. We collected a large high–temporal resolution dataset (for 1–13 years depending upon location) of more than 172 000 stem growth measurements using dendrometer bands from across 14 regions spanning Amazonia, Africa and Borneo in order to test how much month-to-month variation in stand-level woody growth of adult tree stems (NPPstem) can be explained by seasonal variation and interannual meteorological anomalies. -
Packaging Design and Environmental Sustainability: Evaluating the Plastic Carry Bag for Effective Design
Waste is created out of the use and disposal of packaging. Amount of resources used for packaging production and the waste generated thereof are threats to environmental sustainability if not managed properly. -
A study of fuel consumption of three types of household charcoal stoves in Ghana
The purpose of this study was to find out the amounts of charcoal consumed using the traditional Ghanaian coal pot in contrast with two improved stoves, "Ahinbenso" and "Gyapa" stoves. -
Globalization vs. localization: global food challenges and local solutions
The objective of this study was to examine the effect of global–local interactions on food production and consumption in Ghana, and identify possible local solutions. Primary data were collected using a combination of quantitative-qualitative methods, which included focus group discussions and one-on-one interviews. -
Understanding the Concept of Food Sovereignty Using the Ghana School Feeding Programme (GSFP)
This article deepens the understanding of the emerging food sovereignty concept using a case study of a home-grown school feeding programme that promotes local food demand supply linkages. A school feeding programme in four selected districts in Ghana is analysed with respect to community involvement in programme implementation and management as well as its socio-economic impacts.