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Geochemical Assessment of the Impact of Mine Tailings Reclamation on the Quality of Soils at AngloGold Concession, Obuasi, Ghana
This study assessed the geochemical impact of mine tailings reclamation on the quality of soils from the AngloGold Concession, Obuasi, Ghana. Soil samples from mine tailings reclamation sites were evaluated for the concentrations of plant nutrients and trace metals. Contaminations of trace metals, using geochemical pollution indices were used to assess possible effects on agriculture and livelihoods. The average pH ranges from 7.6 to 8.4 at the ex-tailing sites while the control site is 6.0. Organic carbon and nitrogen levels at the extailings site are low due to topsoil loss. -
Thermal efficiency of charcoal fired cookstoves in Ghana
Biomass is a predominant feed-stock for household cooking and heating in developing countries. Charcoal fired cookstoves can be considered an important intermediary for sustainable energy consumption as well as promoting healthy kitchen environments due to the significant reduction in the emission of indoor pollutants associated with smoke in wood fires. -
The effect of physico-chemical parameters on speciation of trace metals insediments from inland and coastal waters of Ghana
The speciation of cadmium, lead, copper, zinc, manganese and iron into exchangeable, carbonate, reducible and organic bound fractions was studied in sediments from coastal and freshwater environments in Ghana. This was relevant as the species in which metals are stored within specific sediment components is important in determining their impact on the environment -
Needs assessment of sweet potato production in northern Ghana: implications for research and extension efforts.
The study was carried out to generate baseline information on production, marketing and utilization of sweet potato in Northern Ghana. -
Needs assessment of sweet potato production in northern Ghana: implications for research and extension efforts.
The study was carried out to generate baseline information on production, marketing and utilization of sweet potato in Northern Ghana. -
Growth, Development and Yield of Cassava Progeny as Affected by Nutrient Status of Mother Plant 1
Cassava is a very important staple crop in Ghana, contributing significantly to the country's Agricultural GDP. Majority of farmers in eight out of the ten regions in Ghana cultivate the crop due to its ability to grow on marginal lands. The crop has until recently seen little improvement in their husbandry practices. Cassava yields on farmers’ fields are low (8-10 t/ha) with potential yields of 30 to 40 t/ha. A major factor contributing to this low yield is the low soil fertility and the poor quality of the planting material. -
Suitability of some Ghanaian mineral Admixtures for Masonry Mortar Formulation
The suitability of masonry mortar for various constructional applications is dependent on some vital engineering properties and production cost. In a majority of masonry formulations, ordinary Portland cement (OPC) is the principal binding agent. -
Combining Ability of Extra‐Early Maize Inbreds Derived from a Cross between Maize and Zea diploperennis and Hybrid Performance under Contrasting Environments
Knowledge of the genetic mechanisms conditioning drought tolerance in maize is crucial to the success of hybrid breeding programs aimed at developing high-yielding cultivars under drought.