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Estimating the Economic Returns to Schooling: Restricted Maximum Likelihood Approach
The economic returns to schooling is a fundamental parameter of interest in many different areas of economics and public policy. The most common technique for estimating this parameter is based on the assumption that the ‘true’ coefficient of education in the earnings equation is constant across individuals. However, this may not often be wholly true and returns to schooling estimates may be biased and inconsistent. -
Estimating the Economic Returns to Schooling: Restricted Maximum Likelihood Approach
The economic returns to schooling is a fundamental parameter of interest in many different areas of economics and public policy. -
Genotype by environment interaction analysis of grain yield and yield components in provitamin A maize
Selecting superior genotypes for varietal release and commercial use is a key breeding objective. The use of appropriate statistical methods to analyze the complex genotype by environment interaction (GEI) phenomena may increase the efficiency in selecting superior genotypes. -
Ghana Soil Management Policy: Relevance, Concepts and Processes for its Attainment.
Ghana’s soils are described as low productive soils whose productivity continues to decline rapidly as a result of the adopted unsustainable crops production systems -
Physicochemical characteristics and microbiological quality of senescent plantain products
Senescent plantains have relatively very rapid deterioration rate compared to plantains at other ripening stages. In Ghana, they are used for products which are consumed either as a snack or a main meal. -
Analysis of parboiled rice processing in northern region of Ghana: determinants, constraints and opportunities
This paper aims at understanding the current dynamics that underlie the parboil rice industry in the Northern Region of Ghana and the analysis focuses on the determinants, constraints, and opportunities.