Enhancing farmers' access to Technology for increased Rice productivity in Ghana



Enhancing farmers' access to Technology for increased Rice productivity in Ghana






A two-year emergency rice (Oryza sativa L.) initiative was launched in 2009 in response to the global rice crises in 2008. The objective of this initiative in Ghana was to increase rice productivity in order to improve food security. Project activities included planning sessions, demonstrations, training courses and community seed production. The project made remarkable progress in enhancing access to quality seed and fertilizer for over 12,600 farmers while expanding knowledge of best-bet production technologies. Farmers produced 28,663 Mt of paddy which was 16,841 Mt above what they normally produced without project intervention. Average yield increased by 92% and also 4,093 women farmers constituting about 32.4% of the total number of participating farmers benefited directly from the project. Seed fairs, rural radios and audio-visual broadcasts on improved rice production technologies were used to reach non-participating farmers. The combination of methods that stimulated adoption of improved rice production technology was effective in achieving both increased paddy yields and household income. We conclude that investment in rice technology transfer and production efforts during the two-year period was well justified.


Buah, S. S. J.; Nutsugah, S. K.; Kanton, R. A. L.; Atokple, I. D. K.; Dogbe, W.; Karikari, A. S.; Wiredu, A. N.; Amankwah, A. N.; Osei, C.; Olupomi, A.; Ndiaye, K.



“Enhancing farmers' access to Technology for increased Rice productivity in Ghana,” CSIRSpace, accessed January 22, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1083.