Performance of Linearly Modulated SIMO High Mobility Systems with Channel Estimation Errors



Performance of Linearly Modulated SIMO High Mobility Systems with Channel Estimation Errors






This paper studies the error performance of linearly modulated single-input multiple-output (SIMO) high mobility communication systems with channel estimation errors. Channel estimation errors are unavoidable in high mobility systems, due to the rapid time-varying fading of the channel caused by severe Doppler effects, and this might have non-negligible adverse impacts on system performance. However, in high mobility communications, rapid time-varying fading channels induce Doppler diversity which can be exploited to improve system performance. Based on the statistical attributes of minimum mean square error (MMSE) channel estimation, a new optimum diversity receiver for MASK, MPSK and MQAM SIMO high mobility systems with channel estimation errors is proposed. The exact analytical error probability expressions of MPSK, MASK, and MQAM of the SIMO diversity receiver are identified and expressed as a unified expression. It quantifies the impacts of both Doppler diversity and channel estimation errors. The result is expressed as an explicit function of the channel temporal correlation, pilot and data signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). Simulations results are used to validated analytical results. Simulation results show that MPSK, MASK, and MQAM systems have the same Doppler diversity order even though they differ in symbol error rates(SERs). Moreover, simulation results show that MQAM systems achieve better spectral efficiency than its MPSK and MASK counterparts.


Mahamadu, M. A.; Ma, Z.



“Performance of Linearly Modulated SIMO High Mobility Systems with Channel Estimation Errors,” CSIRSpace, accessed February 26, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1147.