Action Research on Farmer Access to Innovation Resources (FAIR): Ghana's Experience



Action Research on Farmer Access to Innovation Resources (FAIR): Ghana's Experience






Farmers are constantly experimenting and trying to improve upon their lot. They also learn from each other. The conventional approach to funding agricultural research to bring ultimate benefits to the farmer makes the research and development worker the custodian of the funds and sets the research agenda sometimes without the active involvement of the farmer. The end result is that farmers' uptake of new technologies is often very disappointing. Instead of channeling funds through agriculture professionals, farmer innovators (FI) can be identified and supported with funds and given technical backstopping to develop and spread innovations. Farmer Access to Innovation Resources (FAIR) project was borne out of this notion to empower farmers to set and significantly control the research agenda. It was piloted in Ghana North between April 2008 and December 2011. An extension of one more year was made to allow for completion of certain activities which implies that the project will be ending in December, 2012. FAIR is sub-programme of PROLINNOVA (International network on PROmoting Local INNOVAtion) whose aim is to link up likeminded people to support farmer innovation to enhance sustainable agriculture and natural resource use.


Avornyo, F. K.; Lambon, J.; Nchor, J.; Alenyorege, B.


“Action Research on Farmer Access to Innovation Resources (FAIR): Ghana's Experience,” CSIRSpace, accessed February 23, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1265.