Effects of Desiccants on the Quality and Conservation of Seeds of Tree Species in a Ghanaian Forest
Effects of Desiccants on the Quality and Conservation of Seeds of Tree Species in a Ghanaian Forest
A study was carried out to determine the effects of seed desiccants on seed quality of three very important indigenous forest tree species. The experimental period was December, 2015 to February, 2016. Seeds were collected from the Bobiri Forest Reserve. This Forest Reserve is located in the south-east sub-type of moist semi-deciduous (MSSE) forest in Ghana, covering an area of about 5,445 ha. It is located on the main Accra - Kumasi Highway at the village of Kubease, about 30 kilometres (19 miles) from Kumasi. Seed desiccation experiment was set up in a Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with three (3) replications. Germination percentage, seed vigour, 1000 seed weight, moisture content, seed health analysis, carbohydrate, protein and oil contents were determined before and after seed desiccation. The study revealed that the Zeolite beadsĀ® dried the seeds of Pericopsis elata within 2 days and 3 days for Sterculia rhinopetala but Guarea cedrata seeds were dried within 12 days. This rate of drying was much faster than the rest of the desiccants without any deleterious effect on the physical and chemical properties of seeds. P. elata and S. rhinopetala showed orthodox seed storage behavior by surviving drying to a lower moisture content which can enhance their long term storability. G. cedrata seeds however, exhibited recalcitrant seed behaviour and lost viability significantly after desiccation. G. cedrata seeds unlike P. elata and S. rhinopetala cannot be dried to lower moisture contents and stored for longer period under ambient conditions.
“Effects of Desiccants on the Quality and Conservation of Seeds of Tree Species in a Ghanaian Forest,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 4, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1348.