Efficient feed utilization across seasons through improved feed troughs for small ruminants in Northern Ghana



Efficient feed utilization across seasons through improved feed troughs for small ruminants in Northern Ghana






The ad-hoc manner of feeding available feed resources to ruminants by smallholder farmers in mixed crop and livestock systems in Sudano-Sahelian zone of West Africa is often characterized by waste as animals eat part, and trample and urinate on the rest. Given the feed shortage particularly in the dry season, efficient utilization of the available feed resources is essential to minimize waste as to feed more animals and to reduce nutrient loss. To promote efficient feed use, the use of improved feed troughs were piloted in three Africa RISING project intervention communities in northern Ghana namely Duko and Tibali in Northern region; Gia in Upper East region. In the late dry season (March/April 2019) and wet season (September/October 2019) , 10 farmers were selected randomly from each community out of which at least three were women, all farmers were trained on the use of improved feed troughs made with commercial materials (plank and corrugated iron sheet) for small ruminants.


Ayantunde, A.; Salifu, S.; Konlan, S.; Mohammed, S.



“Efficient feed utilization across seasons through improved feed troughs for small ruminants in Northern Ghana,” CSIRSpace, accessed January 23, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1364.