Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals in Water, Sediments and Tissues of Some Selected Fishes from the Red Volta, Nangodi in the Upper East Region of Ghana
Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals in Water, Sediments and Tissues of Some Selected Fishes from the Red Volta, Nangodi in the Upper East Region of Ghana
Aims: To investigate the concentrations of Manganese (Mn), Cadmium (Cd) and Mercury (Hg) in water, sediment and organs of Sarotherodon galilaeus, Labeo senegalensis and Brycinus nurse. Study Design: One-way ANOVA (no Blocking) Place and Duration of Study: Nangodi, in the Upper East Region of Ghana, West Africa. Between November, 2012 and March, 2013 Methodology: 3 samples of water, sediment and 36 fish samples were collected from the Red Volta River in Ghana. All samples collected were labelled and placed in clean polyethylene bags with ice to maintain the freshness and immediately taken to laboratory where samples were deep frozen at -20°C until prepared for analysis. Results: There was significant difference between heavy metals found in the river water, however there was no significant difference between heavy metals found in sediment (P=.05). Mn content was the highest and that of Cd was the lowest in water whiles in sediment Mn content was the highest and that of Hg was the lowest. Also concentration of heavy metals found in the gills and muscles of Sarotherodon galilaeus, Labeo senegalensis and Brycinus nurse were statistically significant(P= .05). The gills of Sarotherodon galilaeus accumulated the highest concentration of Mn whiles that of Brycinus nurse accumulated the lowest concentration, also the gills of Brycinus nurse accumulated the highest concentration of Cd whiles that of Sarotherodon galilaeusaccumulated the lowest concentration and Labeo senegalensis accumulated the highest concentration of Hg whiles that of Sarotherodon galilaeusaccumulated the lowest concentration. In muscles of the fish species studied, Sarotherodon galilaeus accumulated the highest concentration of Mn and Hg whiles Brycinus nurse accumulated the lowest concentration in the gills, Brycinus nurse accumulated the highest concentration of Cd whiles Labeo senegalensis accumulated the lowest concentration in the muscles. Conclusion: The research revealed that the water and fishes from Red Volta is polluted with Mn, Cd and Hg. Consumption of fish from the river could lead to health hazards induced by heavy metals.
“Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals in Water, Sediments and Tissues of Some Selected Fishes from the Red Volta, Nangodi in the Upper East Region of Ghana,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 7, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1434.