Yam pests in the Ashanti and Brong Ahafo regions of Ghana: A study of farmers’ indigenous technical knowledge and control practices



Yam pests in the Ashanti and Brong Ahafo regions of Ghana: A study of farmers’ indigenous technical knowledge and control practices




In Ghana, yam is a very important indigenous subsistence and cash crop that is now the most popular nontraditional export food crop, despite years of scientific neglect. There is a general paucity of technical information on yam production and marketing constraints, but especially so for pests and their management. To understand and document farmers\' needs as a basis for developing technologies to meet their requirements, this study surveyed yam farmers\' indigenous technical knowledge about pests on their crops and their pest management practices over the years in two districts in Brong Ahafo Region and one in Ashanti Region. Pre-tested questionnaire were administered to 30 randomly selected farmers in five villages in each district. The results showed that farmers\' knowledge about pests and the pest spectra were similar for the three districts. Farmers knew about insect pests on their yams, but were neither able to draw interrelationships between pest populations and damage nor the cultural practices that they follow or the ecological state of their farms. Termites (Amitermes spp., Macrotemes spp., and Microtermes spp.) were considered more important pests than millipedes (Peridontoyge spp.), tuber beetles (Heterolygus meles and Prionorcytes rufopiceus), mealybugs (Pseudococcus brevipes, Planococcus dioscorea and Ferrisia virgata), and scale insects (Aspidiotus destructor and Aspidiella hartii) in that order. Out of 12 white yam varieties cultivated in the area, “Pona” was identified to be most susceptible to pest attack and “Dentepruka” least susceptible. Anthropological factors such as farmer's origin or residency status, level of education, age, marital status, family size, and the land tenure system were also found to play key roles in the technologies adopted in cultivating yams. The implications of the findings, particularly in identifying appropriate experimental variables for technology generation and transfer to improve yam resource productivity, are discussed.


Braimah, H.; Anchirinah, V. M.; Adu-Mensah, J.



“Yam pests in the Ashanti and Brong Ahafo regions of Ghana: A study of farmers’ indigenous technical knowledge and control practices,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 5, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1470.