Effect of smoking on the iodine content of some Ghanaian sea fish



Effect of smoking on the iodine content of some Ghanaian sea fish




The iodine content of some smoked Ghanaian sea fish has been examined to recommend rich dietary sources of iodine to the public. Fresh fish samples were analyzed for moisture and iodine. Samples of the same species (Kankama-Sardinella auritus, Mmornkor-Penaeus notialis, Boboe-Brachydeuterus auritus, Saman-Scomber Japonicus, Antele-Chloroscombus chrysurus, and Antebo­Sardinella eba) from the same catch were then smoked and analyzed for moisture and iodine. In all, except Kankama, significant losses of iodine (P<0.05) resulted from smoking. Iodine losses from smoking ranged from 54 to 86 per cent. Enough iodine was, however, left in all cases to make the smoked fish good sources of dietary iodine. Consumption of, as little as, 100 g smoked fish would, in all cases, satisfy the recommended dietary allowance of 150 µg iodine/day for an adult.


Asibey-Berko, E.; Lokko, P.; Nerquaye-Tetteh, G.



“Effect of smoking on the iodine content of some Ghanaian sea fish,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 9, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1510.