A survey of indigenous knowledge about food and medicinal properties of Solanum torvum in East Akim District of Eastern Region of Ghana
A survey of indigenous knowledge about food and medicinal properties of Solanum torvum in East Akim District of Eastern Region of Ghana
Solanum torvum is a popular plant in Ghana, especially among the Akan communities. It is believed that the plant has special properties of stimulating the production of blood cells and could be helpful in treating anaemia. A survey was carried out in 20 randomly selected communities in the East Akim District in the Eastern Region of Ghana to gather indigenous knowledge on food and medicinal properties of the plant. The respondents indicated that the plant had huge potential in controlling certain diseases, including malaria and cough. They also believed that the plant had certain properties that helped in producing blood cells. Nutritional analysis of the plant showed S. torvum to be a good source of iron, an essential element in haemoglobin production. However, further work needs to be done to verify the acclaimed properties of the plant.
“A survey of indigenous knowledge about food and medicinal properties of Solanum torvum in East Akim District of Eastern Region of Ghana,” CSIRSpace, accessed January 22, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1527.