Peanut yield response to micro and macro nutrients of a Ferric Lixisol in the Guinea savanna zone of Ghana.



Peanut yield response to micro and macro nutrients of a Ferric Lixisol in the Guinea savanna zone of Ghana.






A field experiment was conducted on a Ferric Lixisol at the Savanna Agriculture Research Insti tute, Wa (10° 3I N, 20° 50I W) in the Guinea savannah zone of Ghana in 2010 and 2011, to study the effect of Cu, Mn, Zn, Ca, P and K on elemental uptake, peanut yield and yield components. Nine treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block (RCB) design with four repli cates. Results from the study showed that nutrient application had a positive effect on nutrient concentration, nutrient uptake, pod yield, seed yield and total biomass. The PK + gypsum + Zn treatment had the highest pod yield, seed yield and total biomass. Increases in pod yield of the fertilized treatments ranged between 16.6 per cent and 47.8 per cent over the control. Where micronutrients were combined, some antagonism between micronutrients was also observed. Application of the macronutrients P and K and the micronutrient Zn had the greatest impact on yield.


Narh, S.; Naab, J. B.



“Peanut yield response to micro and macro nutrients of a Ferric Lixisol in the Guinea savanna zone of Ghana.,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 10, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1550.