On-farm Evaluation of Maize Varieties and their yield Determining Factors
On-farm Evaluation of Maize Varieties and their yield Determining Factors
Maize is the main grain crop grown in the highlands of sub-Saharan Africa on a broad range of soil fertility and management conditions. Important yield variability has been reported at different scales reflecting the intensity and spatial distribution of growth-limiting and growth-reducing factors. Field experiments were conducted in the Forest-transition and the Guinea savanna ecology of Ghana to evaluate maize varieties and their yield determining factors. The experiments were conducted at four on-farm locations on 20 farmers’ fields in 2012 major and minor seasons. Major yield determinants were variety, soil fertility, plant density and weed density. The results showed significant difference (p<0.05) between plant height, weed density, plant density, 50% tasseling and silking. The result shows farmers with relatively good agronomic practices recorded the highest grain and stover yields. Grain yield increases as a result of observation of good agronomic practices by farmer E over farmers’ A, B, C and D (45%, 36%, 47% and 18% respectively) at Atebubu-Amantin in the major season respectively. The relative yield increase of Farmer F over farmers A, B, C, D, E, G, H, I and J at West Mamprusi were 295%, 171%, 171%, 193%, 14%, 203%, 49%, 49% and 93% respectively. The result shows positive correlation between grain yield and the traits plant height (r=0.743, p<0.05) and stover yield (r=604, p<0.05). The results shows negative correlation between grain yield and stover yield (r=-0.244) and the traits plant stand (r=-0.69, p<0.05) and weed biomass (r=-0.503, p<0.05). The results of this on-farm agronomic assessment could provide the basis for refinement of recommended cultivation practices for maize which can be used to make tentative recommendations.
“On-farm Evaluation of Maize Varieties and their yield Determining Factors,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 10, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1673.