Influenced of inorganic fertilizer products on the growth and yield of tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill)



Influenced of inorganic fertilizer products on the growth and yield of tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill)






Study has been conducted on-station at Fumesua and Ejura in the forest and forest-savannah transition zones of Ghana for evaluating the effect of YARA fertilizer on the production of tomato. The trials were conducted in the 2012 major season. The exotic tomato variety PETOMECH from the Netherlands were used as the test materials. YARA fertilizer combinations were compared to CSIR-Crops Research Institute fertilizer recommendation for tomatoes. Recommended agronomic practices were followed throughout the experiment. The objectives of the trials were to (i) determine the appropriate rates of application of YARA fertilizer types and combinations on tomatoes (ii) assess the growth and yield performance of tomatoes to the different fertilizer types and combinations and (iii) assess the economic feasibility of the fertilizer combinations to farmers. Soil analyses were conducted for all the study sites and the results showed that the soils were moderately acidic. The experiment was conducted in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Vegetative and reproductive attributes were taken and analyzed. Application of Winner @ 250 kg/ha 2 weeks after transplanting and @ 125 kg/ha at 4 weeks after transplanting produced 26% higher fruit yield (13.03 t/ha) as against the current recommended fertilizer rate (10.32 t/ha) across locations. The economic analysis of the treatments also shows that farmers will be better off with the application of YaraMila Unik 15 (250 kg/ha) at 2 weeks and Sulfan (125 kg/ha) at 4 weeks after planting (WAT), Winner (250 kg/ha) at 2 weeks and Sulfan (125 kg/ha) at 4 WAT and Winner (250 kg/ha) at 2 weeks and Winner (125 kg/ha) at 4 WAT at both locations.


Yeboah, S.; Berchie, J. N.; Asumadu, H.; Agyeman, K.; Acheampong, P. P.



“Influenced of inorganic fertilizer products on the growth and yield of tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill),” CSIRSpace, accessed March 9, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1681.