Study of Radiation Shielding Properties of selected Tropical Wood Species for X-rays in the 50-150 keV Range



Study of Radiation Shielding Properties of selected Tropical Wood Species for X-rays in the 50-150 keV Range






This paper compares the attenuation coefficients of 20 tropical hard wood species based on their linear and mass attenuation and half value layer (HVL) properties for X-rays of energy 50–150 keV using a narrow collimated beam from a Cs-137 source. The narrow collimated beam method made corrections from multiple and small-angle scatterings of photons unnecessary. The attenuation depended on the chemical composition and densities of the wood species. The linear attenuation coefficients of wood species at 50–150 keV were highest for Pterygota macrocarpa (4.53 m−1) and lowest for Antiaris africana (1.24 m−1); the mass attenuation coefficient was highest for Triplochiton scleroxylon (17.62 m2/kg) and lowest for Nesogordonia papaverifera (2.27 m2/kg).The HVL was highest for Antiaris africana (0.27 m) and lowest for Pterygota macrocarpa (0.149 m). Pterygota macrocarpa of about 0.36 m thickness could serve as a more affordable radiation shielding material against secondary scatter and leakage radiations in place of lead, copper or concrete for low X-ray radiations up to 150 keV.


Smith, S. A.; Preko, K.; Owusu, F. W.; Amoako, J. K.



“Study of Radiation Shielding Properties of selected Tropical Wood Species for X-rays in the 50-150 keV Range,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 9, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1726.