Environmental Effects of Socio-economic Activities on Songor Ramsar Site in Ada, Ghana



Environmental Effects of Socio-economic Activities on Songor Ramsar Site in Ada, Ghana






Overexploitation due to developmental activities and overdependence on their values for livelihood are threatening the existence of wetlands. The objective of this study is to find out the main socio-economic activities at the Songor Ramsar Site at Ada, and tax the environmental consequences of these activities on the wetland, and make recommendations to address the cause of its destruction. The research made used of primary data on household livelihood activities, and their effect on the wetland. Data on land use were collected using structured questionnaire, focus group discussions, and participatory observations. Among other findings of this study, 92% of the respondents depended solely on the wetland for their livelihood. This over-dependence has led to a reduction of the resources as confirmed by 84% of the respondents. The study therefore recommends among others that public awareness be created concerning the values of the wetland among the communities that depend on the resource.



“Environmental Effects of Socio-economic Activities on Songor Ramsar Site in Ada, Ghana,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 9, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/173.