Gendered Analysis of ICT-Enabled Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services: The Case of Agro-Tech Smart Ex Model



Gendered Analysis of ICT-Enabled Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services: The Case of Agro-Tech Smart Ex Model






This paper focuses on a gendered value chain analysis within the Agro-Tech Smart Extension Model implemented in Ghana and identifies gender gaps and opportunities for integrating gender in testing business Model with farmers and other value chain actors. A total sample size of 402 respondents within the maize and rice value chains were interviewed and 16 focus group discussions were held. Study findings show that male farmers have more access to extension and services delivery than their female counterparts. Adult females’ access to extension and services delivery was generally low in the Northern Region as compared to the Brong Ahafo and Volta Regions of Ghana. Responses from the sample interviewed showed that barriers to women access to extension and services delivery include lack of resources (46.7%), socio-cultural norms (23.3%), gendered associations with crop type a situation where crops requiring more fertilizer inputs are the preserve of males and few financially endowed women (16.7%), limited female farmer’s based Organisations (10.0%) and Heavy workloads relating to farm work, care giving, and time spent on household chores (3.3%). It is recommended that the services package of Agro-Tech Smart Extension should be tailored to gender roles and responsibilities along the commodity value chain. Other recommendations are the use of advocacy groups to educate community leaders on removal of socio-cultural barriers and use of male champions in sensitization programs on eextension and advisory services.


Quaye, W.; Asafu-Adjaye, N. Y.; Yeboah, A.; Agbedanu, E. E.



“Gendered Analysis of ICT-Enabled Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services: The Case of Agro-Tech Smart Ex Model,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 3, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1739.