Exploitation of African Rosewood (pterocarpus erinaceus) in Ghana: A situation analysis
Exploitation of African Rosewood (pterocarpus erinaceus) in Ghana: A situation analysis
The rapid increase in demand for rosewood in Asia, particularly China has led to increased exploitationof Pterocarpus erinaceus (African rosewood) in Ghana. In 2014, Ghana was ranked second to Nigeria inAfrica and fourth in the world among top suppliers of rosewood logs to China by volume. The precipitousexploitation of rosewood has raised concerns about the sustainability of the species particularly whenthere is very little scientific and technical information about the species in Ghana. This paper assessesrate, level and patterns of exploitation of P. erinaceus and factors influencing its exploitation in Ghana.Drawing on field inventory, export and other secondary data, the results showed that, rosewood ispredominantly exploited for timber and woodfuel. Between 2004 and 2013, an estimated 111,110 m3(RWE) was exploited at an average rate of 11,111 m3per annum in a 10-year period. The current level ofexploitation is highly unsustainable as the size class distribution showed a departure from the reverse Jshape exhibited by a balanced and stable forest stand under sustainable management. The lowestdiameter class constitutes only 9% of the population while the immediate size class is 49% suggesting theinability of the existing stock base to sustain continuous exploitation. Through key informant interviews,value shift, lag in review of species schedule and stumpage fee, weak forest law enforcement, and landtenure system were identified as factors influencing the precipitous exploitation of the species. Forsustainability of rosewood in Ghana, the paper argues that, research on biology, genetics, silvicultureand ecology of the species should be undertaken, while a long term total export ban is maintained.
“Exploitation of African Rosewood (pterocarpus erinaceus) in Ghana: A situation analysis,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 10, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1830.