Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior in Predicting US Residents’ Willingness to Pay to Restore Degraded Tropical Rainforest Watersheds
Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior in Predicting US Residents’ Willingness to Pay to Restore Degraded Tropical Rainforest Watersheds
This study assessed US residents’ willingness to pay (WTP) to restore degraded tropical rainforest watershedsusing predictors from the theory of planned behavior (TPB) in an experimental approach. Responses from arandom sample of over 1000 US respondents were analyzed using a logistic regression with willingness to pay asthe intended behavior predicted by attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and complementaryexplanatory variables. Subjective norm was the strongest of all the variables and the strongest TPB predictor ofWTP. Other statistically significant variables predicting WTP included direct experience with the resource andsupport for environmental groups. Age, gender and education also significantly predicted WTP. Overall, 22percent of respondents were willing to make an annual monetary contribution ranging from US$ 30.00 toUS$ 150.00 through increase in income tax for five years. The economic value for the restored tropical rainforestwatershed was estimated at US$ 146.32 per household per year
“Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior in Predicting US Residents’ Willingness to Pay to Restore Degraded Tropical Rainforest Watersheds,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 10, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1836.