Extent and Management of Low pH Soils in Ghana
Extent and Management of Low pH Soils in Ghana
A review of soil acidity problems with regards to causes, extent and management in Ghana shows that the extent of soil acidity has changed within a period of 2-3 decades. In the 1970s’ soil acidity was a major problem in the Western region and the lowlands. Oxisols and Ultisols are common soils found in this area. However, anthropogenic causes have augmented natural causes resulting in more low pH soils. Soil acidity has therefore become a serious problem throughout the country. Anthropogenic causes identified include general agronomic practices such as tillage, use of mineral fertilizers and continuous cultivation. Rates of 1-2 t ha-’ lime on ultisols and oxisols in Ghana are more than adequate to meet the calcium demands and sufacient to neutralize residual acidity of any nitrogen fertilizer. Addition of organic amendments on low pH soils was also found to be beneficial and resulted in increased yields. The adoption of the “sawah” technology for lowland rice production has also resulted in improved water management, increased nutrient availability and significant increases in rice yields.
“Extent and Management of Low pH Soils in Ghana,” CSIRSpace, accessed January 22, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1866.