Disadoption of Improved Agronomic practices in Cowpea and Maize at Ejura-Sekyeredumase and Atebubu-Amantin Districts in Ghana
Disadoption of Improved Agronomic practices in Cowpea and Maize at Ejura-Sekyeredumase and Atebubu-Amantin Districts in Ghana
The improved cowpea and maize production methods developed in Ghana with the help of farmers are fundamental to increasing cowpea and maize productivity. Improved agronomic practices in cowpea and maize production believed to increase yield are row planting, the use of cover crops and the use of poultry manure. However, the practices are gradually losing their importance in cowpea and maize production. The paper therefore explores the extent to which various factors affect the disadoption of improved agronomic practices and reasons behind disadoption. Multistage sampling techniques were used to select hundred farmers from two cowpea and maize producing areas. Results revealed adoption of cover crops, row planting, poultry manure dropped from 13% to 6%, 99% to 53% and 77% to 10%, respectively. Financial constraint, difficulty in use, time and labour intensity were reasons for disadoption. Empirical results revealed that number of years in education, gender of farm household head, household size, access to extension and hired labour influenced disadoption of improved agronomic practices. Access to production inputs and continuous supply of information are important for farmers’ continuous use of improved agricultural technologies.
“Disadoption of Improved Agronomic practices in Cowpea and Maize at Ejura-Sekyeredumase and Atebubu-Amantin Districts in Ghana,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 12, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1889.