Efficient feed utilization through improved feed troughs for small ruminants in northern Ghana
Efficient feed utilization through improved feed troughs for small ruminants in northern Ghana
Seasonal feed scarcity, particularly in the dry season, is the norm in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of West Africa. The ad-hoc manner of feeding from the available feed resources by the smallholder farmers is characterized by waste as animals eat part, and trample and urinate on the rest. Given the feed shortage particularly in the dry season, efficient utilization of the available feed resources is essential to minimize waste to feed more animals. Under the Africa RISING project in Ethiopia, improved feed troughs have been designed, tested, and evaluated for feeding ruminants (cattle, sheep, and goats) by ILRI. Results from monitoring of the use of the improved feed troughs in four sites in Ethiopia showed that it saved 27% of the cereal and legume residues offered to the animals compared to the traditional feed troughs. Besides, the improved feed troughs led to a significant increase in the amount of manure collected according to feedback from the participating farmers in the Africa RISING project sites in Ethiopia. The success stories in Ethiopia around this simple technology have led to an enquiry about the feasibility of testing the same technology in West Africa. This study therefore aimed at testing, validating, and demonstrating the effect of improved feed troughs on feed utilization by both cattle and small ruminants in the two regions (Northern and Upper East) in northern Ghana. The objectives of this study were: (i) To test, validate, and demonstrate the effect of improved feed troughs on feed utilization by both cattle and small ruminants in the Northern and Upper East regions; and (ii) To build the capacity of smallholder livestock keepers in improved feeding systems to reduce waste and improve animal productivity.
“Efficient feed utilization through improved feed troughs for small ruminants in northern Ghana,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 7, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1917.