Relationship Marketing and Repurchase Intention in Ghana’s Hospitality Industry: An Empirical Examination of Trust and Commitment
Relationship Marketing and Repurchase Intention in Ghana’s Hospitality Industry: An Empirical Examination of Trust and Commitment
Globally, the hospitality industry ranks as one of the most competitive business sectors, with competing organizations relying on a cocktail of strategies such as relationship marketing to stay relevant, and attract and retain customers. This article examines how relationship marketing impacts trust, commitment, and repurchase intension of customers in the Ghanaian hospitality industry. The data collection questionnaire was administered to 167 randomly selected customers at a four-star hotel in the Accra metropolis. The data analysis used structural equation modeling to ascertain the significance of the relationship that exists between trust, commitment, and customer repurchase intension regarding the relationship marketing practices of hoteliers in Ghana. The findings show a positive and significant relationship between trust, commitment, and repurchase intension. The study also revealed that commitment partially mediates the association between trust and repurchase intension. This implies that both trust and commitment are necessary to attain repurchase and, eventually, loyalty.
“Relationship Marketing and Repurchase Intention in Ghana’s Hospitality Industry: An Empirical Examination of Trust and Commitment,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 10, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/192.