Physico-chemical characteristics and suitability of soils of areas climatically suitable for optimal oil palm production in Ghana
Physico-chemical characteristics and suitability of soils of areas climatically suitable for optimal oil palm production in Ghana
Soil physico-chemical data and land characteristics were used to assess the suitability of soils for oil palm production in areas climatically optimum for oil palm cultivation. The toposequence of soils on the three geological formations, Birimian, granites and associated rocks, and alluvial deposits, in these optimum areas were indicated. The soils were categorized into summit and upper slopes, middle slope, and lower slope/valley bott01T1 soils. Qualitative data on soit physical characteristics were provided for soils of Kusi and Adum Banso to describe the soils as categorized above and to support soil textural description. Physical differences in soils such as depth, colour, slope and texture were noted. Chemical data including pH (water), organic matter, total N, exchangeable bases and exchange acidity, CEC and available K and P were provided for summit and upper slopes, middle slope and lowland soils for specified depths at Kusi and Adum Banso to quantify nutrient status. The soils were generally found to be acidic and low in nutrients. The suitability of the soils for oil palm cultivation was then assessed on the basis of physico-chemical characteristics described. The soifs were classified and rated as moderately or marginally suitable with the majority of them falling it? the latter suitability class. Limitations to lhe suitability of some individual soils were poor drainage, concretions, low moisture retention capacity, the hazard Of erosion, acidity and low nutrients
“Physico-chemical characteristics and suitability of soils of areas climatically suitable for optimal oil palm production in Ghana,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 12, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1974.