Performance of some local and improved cowpea lines as a dual-purpose crop (Leaf/Fodder and Grain)
Performance of some local and improved cowpea lines as a dual-purpose crop (Leaf/Fodder and Grain)
A systematic programme was initiated at the Crops Research Institute, Kumasi to (i) evaluate the performance of local and improved cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) lines for their leaf, grain and födder yields, (ii) determine the nutrient composition and sensory attributes of some lines, and (iii) deterrnine economic feasibility Of dual purpose cowpea production. The study was carried out at Furnesua during the minor seasons from 1994 tol 996. The design of the experiment was split-plot with three replications. The main plot treatments were leaf picking and no leaf picking. The sub-plots were the 15 cowpea lines. Each line was planted on a plot of 5 m tong, spaced at 60 cm x 20 cm. Data were collected on the following parameters: number of days to maturity, leaf yield, grain and fodder yield, also nutritional composition of dried leaves, sensory evaluation and economic feasibility of the dual purpose cowpea production. Picking of fully expanded third and fourth trifoliate leaves from the apical bud commenced 28 days after planting (DAP), till 50 per cent flowering. Significant (P < 0.05) differences among the lines were observed for leaf, grain and fodder yields, maturity and nutritional composition and sensory scores. Leaf picking delayed maturity by 6 days in some lines. Lower total fresh leaf yields were associated with early maturity in most lines. DifTerences were observed in the lines in their response to leaf picking. Percent crude protein in the leaf ranged from 27.1 to 35.1. Four lines viz. Soronko, Ejura erect, IT87D-551-l and IT87D-1931 combined high grain and fodder yields. Financial benefits derived from the dual-purpose system was one and half times that of seed only harvest.
“Performance of some local and improved cowpea lines as a dual-purpose crop (Leaf/Fodder and Grain),” CSIRSpace, accessed March 9, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1987.