The influence of graded level of palm kernel cake (pkc) on the performance of the layer fowl
The influence of graded level of palm kernel cake (pkc) on the performance of the layer fowl
The performance of layer fowls on diets containing graded levels of PKC was studied. One hundred and twenty white leghorn layer fowls were distributed over four treatments: Diet 1, Diet 2, Diet 3 and Diet 4, containing respectively (), 8, 16 an 24 per cent of palm kernel cake. The layers were individually housed in metal cages and fed for 6 months. Average total number of eggs laid were 117.60, 120.70, 123.45 and 115.75, representing 72.60, 74.37, 76.21 and 74.17 per cent egg lay respectively for Diets l, 2, 3 and 4. Corresponding average egg weight were 60.96 g, 58.12 g, 61.58 g and 59.06 g, and feed conversion efficiency was 2.63, 2.97,2.88 and 3.25 kg feed/kg egg for Diets l, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The corresponding cost of feed was 164.32, 161.47, 158.18 and 153.18 cedis per kg feed. It was considered that 16 per cent would be the optimum inclusion level for PKC in the diet of the layer fowl.
“The influence of graded level of palm kernel cake (pkc) on the performance of the layer fowl,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 10, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1993.