Effect of pollen source on seed size of hybrid maize
Effect of pollen source on seed size of hybrid maize
The yield of maize (Zea mays L.) is largely determined by the size, weight and number of kernels produced on each ear. Experiments were conducted in 1993 and 1995 to determine the direct effect (referred to as xenia) of pollen source on kernel size of hybrid maize and correlated responses as consequence of selection for seed size of the male plants. Four versions of Krug yellow dent maize selected for large or' small seed size (KCO, KSC14, KSC30 and KLC30) and Mol 7 were used as pollen sources for two hybrids ((N209 x FRI 075) and (N209 x 117). Pollen from smaller seeded plants were significantly (P < 0.05) smaller (81.728 urn) than pollen from large seeded plants (91.542 um). Pollen from large seeded population increased seed size up to 1.97 g per 100 kernels whilst pollen from small seeded population decreased kernel size up to 9.88 g per (00 kernels compared to 30.95 g per 100 kemels for the open pollinated hybrid. Seed set was not affected by the pollen source.
“Effect of pollen source on seed size of hybrid maize,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 10, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1998.