Integrated nutrient management: Preliminary results from a 2-year field trial using cowdung, mineral fertilizer and maize test crop in the interior savanna zone of Ghana



Integrated nutrient management: Preliminary results from a 2-year field trial using cowdung, mineral fertilizer and maize test crop in the interior savanna zone of Ghana




On station trials were conducted in 2 years at Manga Research Station in the interior savanna zone of Ghana to evaluate integrated nutrient (cowdung and mineral fertilizer) management for sustianable maize production. The application of fertilizer alone at a rate of 60-40-40 kg NP„05KOC) ha-I gave yields (stover and grain) of 9() per cent, over the control. The use of either 4 t ha-I or 8 t ha-i of cowdung only did not significantly increase the yields over the control. However, the combination of 60-40-40 NP 2 O 5 2K O ha-I of inorganic fertilizer with 4 t h;r l or 8 1 of cowdung significantly increased yields. Also, half rate of inorganic fertilizer kg ha-I plus either 2 t ha-I or 4 t ha-I of cowdung gave significant yields over the control. The results indicate that integrated nutrient management is needed for sustainable maize production in the zone.


Sakyi, C. A.; Abunyewa, A. A.; Nyamekye, A. I.; Safo, E. Y.



“Integrated nutrient management: Preliminary results from a 2-year field trial using cowdung, mineral fertilizer and maize test crop in the interior savanna zone of Ghana,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 9, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/2011.