Response of Cowpea to Leaf Harvesting and Detopping in Northern Ghana



Response of Cowpea to Leaf Harvesting and Detopping in Northern Ghana






The effects of leaf harvesting and detopping on the grain yield of three cowpea varieties were investigated. Two improved, early-maturing cowpea varieties (Ayiyi and Bengpla) and a local early-maturing variety (Dasimah) were subjected to the following treatment: Leaf picking (LP), Leaf picking plus detopping i.e. removal of apex (LP -I- DP) and control. Leaf picking and detopping reduced plant height which was significant in Dasimah and Bengpla varieties but not in Ayiyi variety. LP + DP increased number of branches by 18, 19 and 30% in Dasimah, Bengpla and Ayiyi, respectively. Leaf picking alone reduced pod number in Dasimah and Bengpla by 4 and 8%, respectively, but increased those of Ayiyi by 9%. Percentage reduction in seed yield per plant resulting from leaf picking were 15, 11 and 11% for Dasimah, Ayiyi and Bengpla, respectively. A combination of leaf picking and detopping reduced seed yield of Dasimah, Ayiyi and Bengpla by 2, 14 and 28 percent, respectively. The improved cultivar, Ayiyi, compared favourably with the local variety in terms of yield when subjected to leaf picking, and leaf picking plus detopping.


Bayorbor, T. B.; Maalu, D. D.; Kanton, R. A. L.



“Response of Cowpea to Leaf Harvesting and Detopping in Northern Ghana,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 9, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/2032.