Potential Use of Crushed Ghanaian Limestone in Paste and Mortar Formulated for Masonry



Potential Use of Crushed Ghanaian Limestone in Paste and Mortar Formulated for Masonry




Crushed Ghanaian limestone (L) powder was analysed for its physical, chemical and micro structural properties for the formulation of mortar for masonry. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) was replaced by 10- 40% limestone powder for paste and mortar formulation. Mechanical properties that included compressive strength, water demand and setting times (initial and final) were determined and analysed. The mechanical properties were determined in accordance with ASTM standards. The test results indicated that crushed limestone powder contained about 88.7% CaO in calcite form. A 10-30% and 35-40% limestone content in conjunction with OPC was suitable to produce ASTM type M and S mortars respectively. Formulated OPC - L paste showed a high water demand, a delayed initial setting time and an accelerated final setting time than the plain OPC paste.


Bediako, M.; Adjaottor, A. A.; Gawu, S. K.; Kankam, C. K.



“Potential Use of Crushed Ghanaian Limestone in Paste and Mortar Formulated for Masonry,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 10, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/2089.