Transformation of erythromycin during secondary effluent soil aquifer recharging: Removal contribution and degradation path



Transformation of erythromycin during secondary effluent soil aquifer recharging: Removal contribution and degradation path






Erythromycin (ERY), a widely used antibiotic, has recently been detected in municipal secondary effluents and poses serious threats to human health during wastewater reusing. In this study, the removal, fate, and degradation pathway of ERY in secondary effluent during soil aquifer treatment was evaluated via laboratory-scale SAT tests. Up to a 92.9% reduction of ERY in synthetic secondary effluent was observed in 1.0 m depth column system, which decreased to 64.7% when recharged with wastewater treatment plant secondary effluent. XRD-fractionation results demonstrated that the transphilic acid and hydrophobic acid fractions in secondary effluent compete for the adsorption sites of the packed soil and lead to a declined ERY removal. Moreover, aerobic biodegradation was the predominant role for ERY removal, contributing more than 60% reduction of ERY when recharged with synthetic secondary effluent. Destruction of 14-member macrocyclic lactone ring and breakdown of two cyclic sugars (L-cladinose and D-desosamine) were main removal pathways for ERY degradation, and produced six new intermediates.


Wei, L.; Qin, K.; Zhao, N.; Noguera, D. R.; Qiu, W.; Zhao, Q.; Kong, X.; Zhang, W.; Kabutey, F. T.



“Transformation of erythromycin during secondary effluent soil aquifer recharging: Removal contribution and degradation path,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 11, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/2096.