Management of root-knot nematodes on Yam with Trichoderma viride



Management of root-knot nematodes on Yam with Trichoderma viride






Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are one of the most economically damaging agents on yam producing fields which could lead to 100 % yield loss. The use of biocontrol agents such as fungi is among the sustainable methods recommended to manage the menace of rootknot nematode infection on yams. The potential of three isolates of Trichoderma virideto reduce soil populations of Meloidogyne spp. was evaluated at three yam producing locations in Ghana. Trichoderma viride was isolated from soil sampled from Atebubu (A), Kintampo (K) and Wenchi (W). Trichoderma viride suspensions at a concentration of 1.7 x 107spores/ml isolate was inoculated on three yam varieties one month after planting. Inoculation of T. viride resulted in significant reduction in Meloidogyne populations at all the locations on all the three yam varieties. At Atebubu, all the three isolates (A, K, W) reduced Meloidogyne populations by 78.8%, 66.8% and 66.2% respectively on Pona. Higher suppressive effects of 90% and 85.6% were achieved by isolate K on Afebetua at Atebubu and Kintampo respectively. Isolates A recorded the minimum control effect of 30.4% on Afebetua at Wenchi. No nematodes were recovered from the peels of inoculated tubers at harvest.


Appiah-Kubi, Z.; Osei, K.; Adomako, J.; Appiah-Kubi, D.; Aidoo, A. Snr.; Asante, J.; Abugri, B.



“Management of root-knot nematodes on Yam with Trichoderma viride,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 9, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/2143.