Improvement of Soil Fertility with Use of Indigenous Resources in Lowland Rice Systems
Improvement of Soil Fertility with Use of Indigenous Resources in Lowland Rice Systems
Low inherent soil fertility has been identified as a major cause for low rice yield in Sub-Saharan Africa (Buri et al., 2004; Senayah, et al., 2008; Buri et al., 2009; Issaka et al., 2009; Abe et al., 2010). The problem is compounded because farmers are not able to purchase fertilizer due to relatively high cost and therefore rely mostly on natural soil fertility which is low and declining. However, there are various organic materials that have the potential and can effectively contribute to improving soil fertility within the region. JIRCAS (2010) reported the quantity, quality and distribution of various organic materials that are available and suitable for supplementing soil fertility in Ghana. In this report, Rice straw (RS), Cow dung (CD), and Human excreta (HE) were evaluated in the Northern region which is located within the Guinea savanna zone and found them effective materials that can contribute in reducing chemical fertilizer application, and to improve soil fertility. RS, Poultry manure (PM), and Saw dust (SD) were evaluated in the Ashanti region located within the Equatorial forest zone. These two climate zones are common agricultural zones where lowland rice is cultivated in Africa. RS, the commonest material within the two regions, is one of the most accessible materials to resource poor peasant farmers, because RS is produced in rice fields itself and therefore does not need to be transported. Therefore, the development of proper and improved management techniques of this material is essential for Ghanaian rice production
“Improvement of Soil Fertility with Use of Indigenous Resources in Lowland Rice Systems,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 9, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/2193.