Yield Gains in Extra-Early Maize Cultivars of Three Breeding Eras under Multiple Environments
Yield Gains in Extra-Early Maize Cultivars of Three Breeding Eras under Multiple Environments
Availability of extra‐early maize cultivars has facilitated the expansion of maize production into savannas of West and Central Africa (WCA). Fifty‐six extra‐early maize cultivars of three breeding eras;1995 to 2000, 2001 to 2006, and 2007 to 2012 were evaluated for 2 yr under 24 multiple‐stress and 28 non‐stress environments in WCA. Objectives of the study were to determine genetic improvement in grain yield of cultivars developed during the breeding eras, and identify high‐yielding and s multiple‐stress and non‐stress environments. Yield gains from era 1 to era 3 under multiple stresses was associated with increased days to anthesis, reduced stalk lodging, and improved husk cover. Cultivars 2004 TZEE‐Y Pop STR C4, TZEE‐W Pop STR QPM C0, and TZEE‐W Pop STR BC2 C0 of era 2; and TZEE‐W STR 107 BC1, TZEE‐W Pop STR C5, and 2012 TZEE‐Y DT STR C5 of era 3 were high‐yielding and stable across multiple‐stress environments while 98 Syn EE‐W from era 1, FERKE TZEE‐W STR, TZEE‐W Pop STR C3, and TZEE‐Y Pop STR QPM C0 from era 2, and TZEE‐W Pop STR C5, 2009 TZEE‐OR2 STR QPM, 2009 TZEE‐W STR, TZEE‐Y STR 106, and TZEE‐W DT C0 STR C5 from era 3 were outstanding across non‐stress environments and should be tested extensively and commercialized. Considerable improvement has been made in breeding for multiple‐stress tolerant extra‐early maize cultivars.
“Yield Gains in Extra-Early Maize Cultivars of Three Breeding Eras under Multiple Environments,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 12, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/2209.