Development of an integrated quality assurance system for the traditional Sardinella sp. and anchovy fish smoking industry in Ghana
Development of an integrated quality assurance system for the traditional Sardinella sp. and anchovy fish smoking industry in Ghana
The physical, chemical, microbiological, sensory and toxicological quality implications of all the operations involved in handling, processing and storage of traditional smoked sardinella sp. and anchovy production in Ghana were evaluated. The results were used to assess the potential hazards in the traditional smoked fish production chain and to identify critical control points for the development of an integrated quality assurance system. A wide range of quality characteristics was observed for products from different processing sites due to lack of a standardized technique. Potential safety and spoilage hazards identified include contamination of raw, processed, and stored fish with pathogenic bacteria, spoilage microorganisms, biogenic amines, insect infestation, as well as possible excessive deposition of wood smoke chemicals. Spoilage microorganisms and insect infestation, however, were found to constitute a high risk in terms of product loss, but low severity of the hazard. Critical control points identified include raw fish quality and handling from landing to processing site, time and temperature controls during handling and processing, fuel wood type, smoking rate and duration, storage conditions and general hygiene and sanitation procedures. Critical limits have been established for each processing and storage step to ensure that microbiological, chemical and sensory quality characteristics are satisfied. An effective monitoring procedure has been suggested
“Development of an integrated quality assurance system for the traditional Sardinella sp. and anchovy fish smoking industry in Ghana,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 9, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/221.