Food sovereignty vs food security: implications for the Ghanaian economy.
Food sovereignty vs food security: implications for the Ghanaian economy.
Food Sovereignty has been in recent years as the right of' people and communities lo decide and implement their agricultural food policies and strategics f'or sustainable production and distribution of' food (People's Food Sovereignty Network, 2004). The concept of Food Sovereignty was mooted by social movements in 1996. To the social movements, hunger and poverty are not caused by food shortage, or scarcity but rather by implementation of wrong policies. Currently there is global food surplus but the majority of' poor people are starving and suffering from malnutrition. Hunger has to do with lack of access to food, inadequate income and lack o[ access to productive resources. The concept of food sovereignty was developed as a result of loss of confidence in conventional mainstream policies and strategies Lo solve problems causing hunger, malnutrition and poverty that has characterized rural economics over the years. Food sovereignty has four key elements.
“Food sovereignty vs food security: implications for the Ghanaian economy.,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 10, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/228.