Climate change and rural communities in Ghana: Social vulnerability, impacts, adaptations and policy implications



Climate change and rural communities in Ghana: Social vulnerability, impacts, adaptations and policy implications






This study assessed social vulnerability level, impacts and adaptation strategies to climate change in rural communities in four ecological zones in Ghana. Primary data were collected through questionnaires and interviews from 196 households in 14 rural communities. Using six demographic, social and economic indicators in assessing social vulnerability to climate change, the Sudan and Guinea Savanna zones were ranked the most vulnerable to climate change with SVI of 0.552 and 0.550, respectively. Social vulnerability factors such as high illiteracy level, heavy dependence on climate sensitive occupation, less diversified sources of income and limited access to climate change information contributed to the high vulnerability level of the zones. Frequently experienced climate change impacts in the four ecological zones were erratic rainfall, reduction in crop yield, prolonged drought and shift in cropping season. Most engaged adaptation strategies included crop diversification, engagement in non-farm secondary jobs, rural–urban migration and increasing farm size. The results highlight the importance of local-level climate change vulnerability assessment and demonstrate the need for local area-specific actions/policies to reducing vulnerability and enhancing adaptation in rural communities. The study approach and findings are useful for policymakers in developing countries in identifying avenues to building local communities’ resilience to climate change.


Dumenu, W. K.; Obeng, E. A.



“Climate change and rural communities in Ghana: Social vulnerability, impacts, adaptations and policy implications,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 9, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/259.