Micro-organisms associated with fruit fly infestation in mango fruits
Micro-organisms associated with fruit fly infestation in mango fruits
One of the major setbacks with the mango production and export is the incidence tephritid fruit flies. As the female oviposits on the fruits, bacteria on the surface of the fruit are pushed into the fruit resulting in decay, allowing for secondary infestations by other microorganisms in addition to gut bacteria.
Eddy-Doh, A. M; Billah, M. K; Kyerematen, R
One of the major setbacks with the mango production and export is the incidence tephritid fruit flies. As the female oviposits on the fruits, bacteria on the surface of the fruit are pushed into the fruit resulting in decay, allowing for secondary infestations by other microorganisms in addition to gut bacteria. Determination of the population of microorganisms associated with fruit flies in mangoes can give a clue about the possible health hazards associated with fruit fly infested fruits. Loops of pulp from feeding areas of infested mangoes were cultured on agar and growths were identified. The fruits were incubated and the flies reared out and identified. Four genera of fungi were identified, including Aspergillus sp. in 3 samples, Phoma sp. in 2 samples, Penicillium sp. in 8 samples, and Trichoderma sp. in 3 samples. Crossinfestations were recorded in some samples. Bactrocera dorsalis was the only fruit fly species reared from the mango samples collected
Eddy-Doh, A. M; Billah, M. K; Kyerematen, R, “Micro-organisms associated with fruit fly infestation in mango fruits,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 9, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/333.