Screening Reactive materials for permeable barriers to treat Benzene and Lead Contaminated Groundwater



Screening Reactive materials for permeable barriers to treat Benzene and Lead Contaminated Groundwater


Laboratory batch experiments were performed to: (i) select two individual and two mixtures of potential reactive materials for permeable barriers to treat groundwater contaminated with benzene and soluble lead (Pb2þ); (ii) investigate the involved contaminant removal mechanisms; and (iii) determine the permeability and assess the environmental compatibility of the selected materials.


Obiri-Nyarko, F; Kwiatkowska-Malina, J; Kasela, T






Laboratory batch experiments were performed to: (i) select two individual and two mixtures of potential reactive materials for permeable barriers to treat groundwater contaminated with benzene and soluble lead (Pb2þ); (ii) investigate the involved contaminant removal mechanisms; and (iii) determine the permeability and assess the environmental compatibility of the selected materials. Five individual reactive materials (zeolite, diatomaceous earth, brown coal, compost, and zero-valent iron as control) and four mixtures (compost:brown coal, compost:zeolite, compost:mulch, and mulch:diatomaceous earth) in different ratios were investigated. Benzene and Pb2þ were investigated separately using Pb2þ/benzene spiked deionized water. Zeolite and brown coal were selected as individual materials for Pb and benzene based on their removal efficiencies. For the material mixtures, compost:brown coal (1:3) and compost:zeolite mixtures (1:3) were selected for Pb, whereas compost:zeolite (1:1) and compost:brown coal (1:5) were selected for benzene. The sequential extraction of Pb from these selected reactive materials showed that Pb was held mainly in the exchangeable fraction (52%–76%). Benzene was removed by biodegradation and sorption, with the latter contributing most to its removal (60%–99%). The selected materials were compatible with the environment considering the amounts of toxic metals leached from them, and their permeabilities were in the range of 4.2 × 10 5–2.14 × 10 3 m s 1

Bibliographic Citation

Obiri-Nyarko, F., Kwiatkowska-Malina, J., & Kasela, T. (2015). Screening reactive materials as permeable barriers to treat lead and benzene contaminated groundwater. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 15(3), 632-641.



Obiri-Nyarko, F; Kwiatkowska-Malina, J; Kasela, T, “Screening Reactive materials for permeable barriers to treat Benzene and Lead Contaminated Groundwater,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 7, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/401.