Influence of the entrepreneur and enterprise characteristics on success of cage fish farming in the Asuogyaman and South Dayi districts, Ghana



Influence of the entrepreneur and enterprise characteristics on success of cage fish farming in the Asuogyaman and South Dayi districts, Ghana


Aquaculture is becoming a very important source of income for many people as well as a source of protein in their diets. This study examined the influence of the entrepreneur and enterprise characteristics on small-scale cage fish enterprises in the Asuogyaman and South Dayi Districts.


Manteaw, S. A.; Anaglo, J. N.; Freeman, C. K.; Kumah, W. K.; Boateng, S. D.






Aquaculture is becoming a very important source of income for many people as well as a source of protein in their diets. This study examined the influence of the entrepreneur and enterprise characteristics on small-scale cage fish enterprises in the Asuogyaman and South Dayi Districts. The research employed a descriptive-correlation survey design, which used quantitative methods to collect data from 105 owners and managers of small-scale cage fish enterprises. The findings revealed that the age of entrepreneurs influenced customer satisfaction as entrepreneurs' experience also influenced growth in sales. It was observed that technical know-how, attitude towards work, and managerial skills had a significant relationship with profitability, and customer satisfaction. Finally, the age of the enterprise was found to have a significant relationship with growth in sales. In conclusion, all the variables had positive relationships with enterprise success, but not all the relationships were significant. It is recommended that cage fish farmers should be encouraged to invest more in technical education, which will help improve the success of their enterprises. Furthermore, farmers should take precautions to reduce the risk of failure to increase their chances of success and survival.

Bibliographic Citation

Anaglo, J. N., Freeman, C. K., Kumah, W. K., Boateng, S. D., & Manteaw, S. A. (2014). Influence of the entrepreneur and enterprise characteristics on success of cage fish farming in the Asuogyaman and South Dayi districts, Ghana. International Journal of Management and Sustainability, 3(8), 517.



Manteaw, S. A.; Anaglo, J. N.; Freeman, C. K.; Kumah, W. K.; Boateng, S. D., “Influence of the entrepreneur and enterprise characteristics on success of cage fish farming in the Asuogyaman and South Dayi districts, Ghana,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 9, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/406.