Differentiation of Two Pleurotus Species Based on the Restrictive Digestion Profile of the Internal Transcribed Spacer Region
Differentiation of Two Pleurotus Species Based on the Restrictive Digestion Profile of the Internal Transcribed Spacer Region
Two oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus eous P-31 and P. ostreatus EM-1) are under either cottage industry or semi-commercial cultivation in Ghana. The latter (P. ostreatus) is already well known to the public and on the shelf of some leading supermarkets. There is morphological resemblance between the two species making it difficult for the untrained eye to distinguish between them except for the colour difference. In this study, molecular methods were employed to differentiate among the two species. The Internal Transcribed Spacer ITS 1 and ITS 4 regions of the rDNA of the two oyster species were amplified by the conventional PCR using the universal primer pair, ITS 1 and ITS 4 followed by restrictive digestion with enzymes, (Hh I, Hinf I, Rsa I and Hae III). The two species could not be separated based on the amplified bands only, as both produced a characteristic band size of 650 bp. Gel profiling showing restrictive patterns generated by the four enzymes indicated that only the Hae III restrictive enzyme was effective in separating P. eous P-31 and P. ostreatus EM-1. This is the first record of the separation of the Ghanaian Pleurotus species by molecular methods indicating their genetic differences
“Differentiation of Two Pleurotus Species Based on the Restrictive Digestion Profile of the Internal Transcribed Spacer Region,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 9, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/475.