Influence of Agricultural Information Sources on The Practices And Livelihood Outcomes of Cassava Farmers in Eastern Region Of Ghana



Influence of Agricultural Information Sources on The Practices And Livelihood Outcomes of Cassava Farmers in Eastern Region Of Ghana


Cassava farmers have a variety of information needs; however, these information requirements are unmet by the public extension agents.


Anaglo, J. N.; Antwi, G.; Manteaw, S. A.; Kwapong, N. A






Cassava farmers have a variety of information needs; however, these information requirements are unmet by the public extension agents. The main objective of the study was to determine the sources of agricultural information and their influence on the farm practices and therefore, livelihood outcomes of the cassava farmers. The survey research methodology was employed, with 200 farmers from Upper West Akim District in the Eastern region. Primary data were collected using structured questionnaires. The data collected were analysed using SPSS Version 21. Chi-square was the main inferential statistical tool used. Results showed that the sources of agricultural information to the cassava farmers were ranked as fellow farmers, radio, agricultural extension agent, input dealers with the least source used being newspapers/agricultural bulletins. It was also noted that, although majority of the farmers sourced for agronomic, market and credit information, it was only agronomic information which was found to have a significant influence (p = 0.001 S) on the farm practices undertaken by the farmers. A statistically significant relationship was observed between the farmer’s agricultural practice and level of income (p= 0.010 < 0.05 S), increased incomes and well-being (p=0.02 < 0.05 S) and increased incomes and food security (p= 0.04< 0.05 S). It was recommended that extension officers in the district should extend credit information to the farmers and assist them to access credit. This may ensure that agricultural information obtained by the cassava farmers can be put into practice to improve their livelihood outcomes.

Bibliographic Citation

Anaglo, J. N., Antwi, G., Manteaw, S. A., & Kwapong, N. A. (2020). Influence of Agricultural Information Sources on the Practices and Livelihood Outcome of Cassava Farmers in Eastern Region of Ghana. In Redefining Research for Sustainable Development and Livelihoods in Nigeria. Proceedings of the 6th National symposium of the Sustainable Livelihoods and Development Network for Africa Held at the Virginrose Resort, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria April 6th-9th (pp. 16-25).



Anaglo, J. N.; Antwi, G.; Manteaw, S. A.; Kwapong, N. A, “Influence of Agricultural Information Sources on The Practices And Livelihood Outcomes of Cassava Farmers in Eastern Region Of Ghana,” CSIRSpace, accessed February 19, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/512.