Vegetative and reproductive performance of maize to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers in Plinthic Acrisol and Gleyic Plinthic Acrisol.
Vegetative and reproductive performance of maize to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers in Plinthic Acrisol and Gleyic Plinthic Acrisol.
Soil specific maize response to N and P may provide guidelines for improving nutrient management. Three replicates of N and P fertilizer combinations (N0P0, N0P90, N120P0, and N120P90) were arranged in randomized complete block design on Plinthic Acrisol (PA) and Gleyic Plinthic Acrisol (GPA) in Ghana. Treatment effects on maize plant height and yield parameters were assessed. Plant height differed consistently with N120P90 > N0P90 > N120P0/N0P0 from 3 to 7 weeks after planting on the GPA. On the GPA, grain yield ranged from 1.20 to 2.40 t ha−1 and increased by 10, 77 and 95% in the N120P0, N0P90 and N120P90, respectively. Residual effect of N0P90 and N120P90 increased maize yields on the GPA than on the PA. Rather than N, P was more critical to maize performance and should be externally supplied not exceeding the critical level of N0P60 (Plinthic Acrisol) and N0P90 (Gleyic Plinthic Acrisol) for optimum maize yield.
“Vegetative and reproductive performance of maize to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers in Plinthic Acrisol and Gleyic Plinthic Acrisol.,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 9, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/599.