Chemical Characterization and Antioxidant Potential of Wild Ganoderma Species from Ghana



Chemical Characterization and Antioxidant Potential of Wild Ganoderma Species from Ghana




The chemical characterization and antioxidant potential of twelve wild strains of Ganoderma sp. from Ghana, nine (LS1–LS9) of which were found growing wild simultaneously on the same dying Delonix regia tree, were evaluated. Parameters evaluated included the nutritional value, composition in sugars, fatty acids, phenolic and other organic compounds and some vitamins and vitamin precursors. Antioxidant potential was evaluated by investigating reducing power, radical scavenging activity and lipid peroxidation inhibition using five in vitro assays. Protein, carbohydrate, fat, ash and energy contents ranged between 15.7–24.5 g/100 g dw, 73.31–81.90 g/100 g, 0.48–1.40 g/100 g, 0.68–2.12 g/100 g ash and 396.1–402.02 kcal/100 g, respectively. Fatty acids such as linoleic, oleic and palmitic acids were relatively abundant. Free sugars included rhamnose, fructose, mannitol, sucrose and trehalose. Total tocopherols, organic acids and phenolic compounds’ content ranged between 741–3191 g/100 g, 77–1003 mg/100 g and 7.6–489 g/100 g, respectively. There were variations in the -glucans, ergosterol and vitamin D2 contents. The three major minerals in decreasing order were K > P > S. Ganoderma sp. strain AM1 showed the highest antioxidant activity. This study reveals, for the first time, chemical characteristics of Ganoderma spp. which grew simultaneously on the same tree.


Obodai, M.; Narh, D. L. M.; Fernandes, A.; Kortei, N. K.; Dzomeku, M.; Teegarden, M.; Schwartz, S. J.; Barros, L.; Prempeh, J.; Takli, R. K.; Ferreira, I. C. F. R.



“Chemical Characterization and Antioxidant Potential of Wild Ganoderma Species from Ghana,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 11, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/60.