The Adoption of Improved Cowpea Varieties in Northern Ghana
The Adoption of Improved Cowpea Varieties in Northern Ghana
Cowpea, the first crop to be harvested in semi-arid regions is an important food crop that bridges that hunger gap that exists before cereal crops are harvested. This paper assesses the adoption of improved cowpea varieties with farmers in Northern Ghana. Semi-structured interviews were administered to 250 farmers: 230 male and 20 female farmers. A multistage sampling procedure was used to select 4 districts, 8 communities and 17 households in each community where quantitative and qualitative data was gathered. Farmers who had a history of cowpea production and communities with a history of access to improved cowpea seeds were interviewed. The questionnaire covered demographic aspects of the survey farm households, their production environment, the factors that influence the adoption or non-adoption of improved cowpea varieties, among other things. Results indicated that all farmers adopted cowpea varieties. With typical adoption attitudes, farmers adopt these varieties gradually which eventually peaks and drops depending on yield, amount of pesticides needed and the incidence of insect pest and diseases. In conclusion, due to the persistence of some pest and diseases on some crops, drought related problems, degrading soil fertility, dwindling farm land due to farm lands being taken over as residential plots, and low yields, farmers have found solace in the cultivation of improved varieties which are mainly high yielding, insect/disease resistant and drought tolerant.
“The Adoption of Improved Cowpea Varieties in Northern Ghana,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 10, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/638.