Variation Determinants in Building Construction: Ghanaian Professionals Perspective.



Variation Determinants in Building Construction: Ghanaian Professionals Perspective.






ariation in construction means modification of design, changes in quality, quantity of work including the alteration of standard of materials or goods to be used in the work and the removal from site any kind of material not in accordance in the contract. In Ghana, Variation order has become major issue in the construction industry. This had resulted in cost overruns, delay and in some contracts dispute, between parties. The aim of this paper was to identify the root causes of variation; effects of variations on projects in Ghana and the means of reducing the impact of variation order. The method of the study involved literature review, primary data collection, interview and closed – ended- questionnaires. Mean Scores Method was used to rank the identified factors causing variation. Analysis Of Variance Test was use to test for the significant difference between means among the professional groups. The study revealed that most causes of variation were change of design by client and inadequate working details. Establishment of oversight project management committee and flow of information were identified as means of controlling variations during project administration.


Asamoah, R. O.; Offei-Nyako, K.



“Variation Determinants in Building Construction: Ghanaian Professionals Perspective.,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 9, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/694.