Effect of Different Materials on Soil pH Improvement, Soil Properties, Growth, Yield and Quality of Sugarcane.
Effect of Different Materials on Soil pH Improvement, Soil Properties, Growth, Yield and Quality of Sugarcane.
The purpose of this research was to study the efficiency of the general powder lime (CaCO3) and liquid lime for some soil properties improvement, plant growth, yield and quality of sugarcane. Seven experimental treatments were arranged in RCBD with four replications, making a total of twenty eight plots. The plot size was 2 x 2 m2 and the test plant was Khon Kaen No. 3 sugarcane cultivar, planted at a spacing of 1.0 m distance in row, and 0.3 m distance in stalk. The treatments were T1 control group (no fertilizer no lime), T2 powder lime (CaCO3), T3 liquid lime (Ultragreen), T4 chemical fertilizer (15-15-15) + powder lime (CaCO3), T5 chemical fertilizer (15-15-15) + liquid lime (Ultragreen), T6 chemical and granular organic fertilizer with hormone mixed formula (HO) + powder lime (CaCO3), T7 chemical and granular organic fertilizer with hormone mixed formula (HO) + liquid lime (Ultragreen). The limes were applied according to the lime requirement analysis and each type of fertilizer were applied at a rate of 100 kg/rai (rai=0.16 ha). The test plot was located in sugarcane farmer field at Thung Salium District, Suthothai Province, Thailand during June 2015 to June 2016. The data on soil pH improvement, soil properties, plant growth etc, were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and DMRT at a 95% level of confidences. The result shows that liquid lime (Ultragreen) improved soil acidity faster than the powder lime (CaCO3). Both the powder lime (CaCO3) and liquid lime (Ultragreen) when applied with chemical and granular organic fertilizer with hormone mixed formula (HO) affected some soil properties such as electrical conductivity (EC), cation exchangeable capacity (CEC), porosity and water content. The result indicates that treatment T7, a combination of liquid lime (Ultragreen) with chemical and granular organic fertilizer with hormone mixed formula (HO) recorded the highest plant growth, yield and CCS and was statistically significant over the other treatments. In terms of cost and income performance, the treatment T7 showed the highest net benefit which was statistically different than other treatments.
“Effect of Different Materials on Soil pH Improvement, Soil Properties, Growth, Yield and Quality of Sugarcane.,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 9, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/720.