Effect of soil pH improvement substance on soil properties, plant growth and yield of maize (Zea mays L.)
Effect of soil pH improvement substance on soil properties, plant growth and yield of maize (Zea mays L.)
This research was aimed to study the effect of the general powder lime (CaCO3) and liquid lime, applied with chemical fertilizer, and chemical and granular organic fertilizer with hormone mixed formula (HO) for some soil properties improvement, plant growth and yield of maize. Seven experimental treatments were arranged in RCBD with four replications, totaling twenty eight plots. The plot size was 2 x 2 m2 and the test plant was maize Pionior No. 3013 cultivar, planted at a spacing of 75 x 50 cm2. The treatments were designated as T1 no fertilizer no lime (control ), T2 powder lime (CaCO3), T3 liquid lime (Ultragreen), T4 chemical fertilizer (15-15-15 + 21-0-0 by weight 50:50) + powder lime (CaCO3), T5 chemical fertilizer (15-15-15 + 21-0-0 by weight 50:50) + liquid lime, T6 chemical and granular organic fertilizer with hormone mixed formula (HO) + powder lime (CaCO3), T7 chemical and granular organic fertilizer with hormone mixed formula (HO) + liquid lime. The lime was applied according to the lime requirement analysis and each type of fertilizer was used at a rate of 50 kg/rai (rai = 0.16 ha). The test plot was located in farmer’s field at Thung Salium district, Suthothai province, Thailand from June to November 2017. The data was statistically analyzed using ANOVA and DMRT at a 5% level of confidence. The results showed that the liquid lime (Ultregreen) was faster and effective for soil pH improvement than powder lime (CaCO3). Also, both the powder lime (CaCO3) and liquid lime when applied with chemical and granular organic fertilizer with hormone mixed formula (HO) affected some soil properties such as water content, electrical conductivity and cation exchange capacity (CEC). The results also indicates that, for plant growth the liquid lime was effective than the powder lime (CaCO3) when applied with chemical fertilizer (T5) but HO fertilizer had a good combination with both powder lime (CaCO3) and liquid lime (T6 and T7). The effect of soil pH improvement limes was emphasized on stem height, stem girth, leaf number, leaf length and leaf width etc. However, T5, T6 and T7 were not significantly different in terms of yield and yield components. The highest yield was observed in the order T7, T6, T5, T4, T3, T2, T1 with an average yield of 1,325, 1,305, 1,050, 1,010, 857, 775, 428 kg/ria (rai = 0.16 ha) respectively. From the result, liquid lime had a good combination with HO fertilizer than chemical fertilizer. For cost and income performance, the treatment T7 gave the highest net benefit which was significantly different over other treatments. The powder lime (CaCO3) treatment had a high cost of transportation and hence resulted in a low profit.
“Effect of soil pH improvement substance on soil properties, plant growth and yield of maize (Zea mays L.),” CSIRSpace, accessed March 7, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/727.